Heard on TV

"There's nothing sexier than a a gay man who looks straight" -- Rachel Zoe

I don't disagree with the words of the fag hag extraordinaire

7 coumouents:

Mugen said...

Yeah, she made reference to you. Hahaha!

red the mod said...

Pasok sa banga!

Nishi said...

One day that look will no longer be associated with straightness.

Anonymous said...

well i would rather replace the word "sexier" to "HOTTER" !

davah ?

- Bianca umaaura

imsonotconio said...

i love it hehehe!

casado said...

kaya nga sobrang mabenta ang mga gay na mukang straight..wink wink :P

Momel said...

I can't say I agree. If I can modify that line, then it should be this

"There's nothing disappointing than a a gay man who looks straight"

Most especially towards us gaykin who go for the straight folk. The principle of "LASON" comes to mind.

So far, the straight-acting gay men I've seen and been with (peachy anne, mayas, paminkys) are neither here nor there when it comes to the hotness meter. Because when it's just us fags, these straight acting gay men are suddenly flamboyant gay men with no sight, sound, smell or trace of straight in them.