Too Gay (?) # 3: Vibrant Jeans the color of Migraine

Oh come on. Even this professional male model looks unhappy.

Maybe it's the shade of pink. It's the same color as my metaphorical closet, except this one ain't hiding.
I personally can't werk it so I'm staying 50 meters away from every pair like it was a flammable LPG bus on fire. So props to those who can werk it without burning their nutsacks.

Plus why do you want to pull something off that was already rancid 2 years ago?!

3 coumouents:

Mac Callister said...

too "ewwwww" for me LOL!

Momel said...

Raymond Gutierrez can't get no gayer than this even if he tried.


Justine said...

maybe i can try the orange one, but not the pink